Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suzani Mohamad Samuri
Game-based learning analytic platform is a web-based and mobile-friendly application that is developed using the Unity software and integrated with analytics where it will track the performance of the children while they are playing the games related to early mathematic and logic development which are based on early mathematics and logic thinking elements stated in PERMATA curriculum. System Usability Scale (SUS) instrument has been adopted and adapted to get the feedback from 2 teachers, 10 parents and 10 children of 4 years old from Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Manhajul Husna, Kalimantan South, Indonesia and 2 teachers, 10 parents and 10 children of 4 years old from TASKA PERMATA Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). From the usability study conducted, the overall mean SUS score for teachers, children and parents for both logic game and learning analytic platform were above 70, which has been categorise as ‘Acceptable’ and within the range of ‘Good’ and ‘Excellent’. From this research, it is envisaged that this application will be acted as a scaffolding model for the learning environment to the children without the support from the teachers as it can reveal information about the students’ comprehension in the area of early mathematics and logic thinking as well as having the potential to enhanced children’s learning through digital games.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazlina Che Mustafa | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Wee Ho | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Azah Abdul Aziz | En. Rahmadi Agus Gazali Rahmanen | En. Ahmad Faridz Ahmad Faudz