Dr. Zahyah Hanafi
The objective of this study is to investigate the best practices of parental involvement at the childcare centres ( TASKA & TADIKA ) in Malaysia . The study was conducted with a mix method approach; quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (interview). There were nine research questions constructed to fulfil the objective of this study. A convenient sampling was used to gather the data. Sampling were from two states ,Penang and Kedah and comprised 89 childcare providers/teachers/childcare officers from government and private childcare centres and kindergarten and 169 parents from these centres participated. Parents and teacher responded to the questionnaires while principles/managers’ were interviewed. Based on the quantitative data,teachers reported high parental involvement at their centres. Parents’ perception towards their children’s childcare providers/ teachers/principal/managers’ abilities to manage childcare at the centres are high and similarly teachers too believed they are good at managing children. However, parents rated themselves as only average in their ability to raise their children. Lastly,teachers were reported to have high expectations of parents. In-depth interview revealed that parents were involved because they believed that they should put in more than the 4 hours required by the centre. They do it because of their children,because the fee is low and in return they should help out at the centre,because other parents do it and they don’t want to be lft out,and centres tried to accommodate parents’ needs so that they are able to be present at the centres. The only challenges face by parents is time as most parents worked during the day. In order to get parents’ involvement,centres organised parenting course that emphasised on the importance of parental involvement,include other members of the family involved beside parents, make it convenient for mothers with babies to present,centres ensure parents feel they are important stakeholders,parents are required to attend program on their children’s progress,make parents feel at ease when they are at the centre, programs are held during weekends to enable parents’ participation,prepare a schedule so parents know when they have to be at the centre, and prepare a daily logbook for parents and teachers to report the daily activities.The study also recommended best parental involvement practices for TASKA and TADIKA.