Research Monograph

Laporan Akhir : Current Practices And Future Possibilities Of Environmental Education in Malaysia's Early Childhood Education

Project Leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Salih
Project Code


This research is a short-term study funded by National Child Development Research Centre (NCDRC). The study was conducted over a period of 12 months, between 22th August 2015 to 23rd August 2016. However, the researchers faced some constraints that resulted in an extension of time until 23rd November 2016. The research was conducted in four zones in Peninsular Malaysia, namely, the northern, the central, south and the eastern. The aim of the study was to analyse current practices and future possibilities of environmental education in Malaysia’s Early Childhood Education. This research involved the identification of teachers’ knowledge and mode of implementation of Environmental Education (EE) and also the existing EE teaching and learning (tal) practices across the early childhood curriculum. Besides that, the researchers also did a critical and comparative analysis of the local and international early childhood environmental education models and programmes to help in developing guidelines for best practices of EE across the early childhood curriculum. 2015-0105-106-04

Kannamah A/P Mottan | Hashimah Hussein | Ahmad Nurzid bin Rosli